Our new wate toys rental center is located inside Marina Santa Eulalia at Warehouse No. 1 of the shipyard, just 10 minutes by car or boat from the city of Ibiza.
With the recent opening of many important 5 star hotels like the W hotel, Bless hotel & Aguas de Ibiza hotel, the Santa Eulalia area is the fastest growing area in Ibiza.
Our watersports rental center offers full day rental of the most popular water toys and brands on the market.
Some of the brands and toys we have are: Flite efoils, Scubajet, Jet-Pilot, Connelly, Ronix, Seabob, Schiller, Aquaglide, Paddlesurf, SEA-DOO, Aqualung, Jobe, Nauti Buoy, & more..
Private parking for clients cars & mooring for boats available!